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partnaer team

Who is partnaer?

Who is partnaer? partnaer supports companies in the implementation of digital solutions in the areas of organisation, business model and product development. The transformation of the organisation and the empowerment of people are particular focus. The core team at partnaer comes from applied

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Enabling People-Powered Transformation is a core principle here at partnaer. 🚀 
We use this principle to guide us through all the relationships we cultivate whether that is clients, employees, partners and more because we believe in shaping a better future for us all. 🤝🏻 
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Celebrating 1,000 members on our Project and Product Management Meetup community. 🥳✨ 

Thank you all for trusting and being a part of the community. We really look forward to seeing where this journey takes us. 🤩
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Have you ever noticed that having the right tool in the wrong hand doesn’t always solve the problem? 🫣

When talking about digital transformation, most people first think of the technical equipment that is used for digital transformation (e.g. smartphone, laptop, etc...).
The tools are important, no question, but our approach is different. Ever since we were founded, we have put people first. The tools are only a support of the human-driven transformation. 👨🏻‍🔧

In order to solve problems sustainably, it is important to adhere to a certain order and to set up a suitable working model:

1️⃣ Make sense & purpose clear
2️⃣ Define order & metrics
3️⃣ Choose implementation method
4️⃣ Clarify roles & responsibilities
5️⃣ Set rituals & rhythms
6️⃣ Choose tools

The human brain is able to detect mistakes, unlike machines. 🧠

So use the tools that are on the market right and be open to them, but question the value it can generate.

Core beliefs drives us. We would like to know are the most important for you.

#digitaltransformation #business #mindset #people #technology #teamwork #collaboration #cooperation #culture #futuredriven
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Elevate your Product Owner skills. 🚀
Join @mrcndrae this Thursday, 12th September to learn everything you need to know about preparing and running Roadmap and Planning Meetings as Product Owner. Get top tips that come from real life experience and interact with other members of our product community. 💡
Link in bio for more information. 🔗
#meetup #mymeetupmoment #keepconnected #productownertraining #roadmap
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💡 A company vision should start with these four points: 
1️⃣ DIRECTION: Decide what you want to change and how it could help the company grow.
2️⃣ PEOPLE: Decide who should be involved and what skills they need to bring.
3️⃣ IMPLEMENTATION: Figure out how you want to lead and put the change into action.
4️⃣ VALUE: Consider the value this brings to both us and the company.
Think through these 4 points before you construct your Company Vision to set the tone for a successful approach to your company’s operations. 🚀
For the complete Company Vision Canvas, join our platform TRIANGLE and get exclusive access to all documentation. 📑🔒 Link in bio. 🔗
#partnaervisioncanvas #companyvision
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working session and lunch at the office 👩🏻‍💻🥗
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🤯 Viele da draußen haben keinen Plan, wie ihre Projekte laufen oder wie ihre Mitarbeiter ausgelastet sind. 
Gerade gestern haben wir mit einem neuen Kunden gestartet der unbedingt seine Projekte und Ressourcen besser planen muss. Er hatte schon vieles probiert, neue Tools eingeführt, extra Meetings eingerichtet und auch Mitarbeiter weitergebildet. Leider hatte er mit allen bisherigen Versuchen einfach noch keinen Erfolg sein Projektmanagement in den Griff zu kriegen. ❌
Die Wahrheit ist: Ohne ein standardisiertes Projektportfolio-Management bleiben deine ganzen Maßnahmen einfach wirkungslos. Als Führungskraft musst du regelmäßig dein Projektportfolio planen, klare Rituale für die Kapazitätsplanung etablieren und endlich die Kontrolle übernehmen – nur so steigerst du die Produktivität. 📈
Unsere Kunden, die den Mut hatten, ein systematisiertes Portfolio Management einzuführen, sind heute effizienter und produktiver – weil sie wissen, was in ihrer Abteilung wirklich passiert und es aktiv steuern.
Wenn auch du die Kontrolle über deine Projekte und Ressourcen zurückgewinnen willst, schreib uns hier eine direkte Nachricht. Wir helfen dir dabei, wieder den Überblick zu bekommen und deine Projekte endlich erfolgreich zu steuern. ✅
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People want to collaborate, shape the world, and build something meaningful. 💡
In this video, Roman and Marc discuss technology, the expectations of the younger generation, and the desire to collaborate, shape, and build. 🤝🏻
You’ve likely noticed how different people’s abilities to collaborate can be. Some have learned early on how to support each other and work effectively in a team. Others find it more challenging or lack the necessary skills for successful teamwork.
Collaboration works best in a cross-functional team with complementary skills.
Some abilities stem from obvious differences, like gender, age, personality but these are all things that make us unique. In addition, there are skills that have a more technical origin. 👨🏻‍🔧
From our experience, the next stage of evolution is built on collaboration. 📈
What do you think? Are we already working together at our full potential, or is there still plenty of room for growth?
Best regards and have a great weekend,
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